While I waited for Jeff to perform his magic, I had plenty to be getting on with. The heated front screen was going to need it's own loom adding. At the time, I didn't know whether the screen was going to feature a split heating system or a single one. Working on the split screen scenario, I planned the wiring accordingly. As you can see from the wiring diagram, we would need 2 x 25amp circuits. That might need a bigger output alternator. The installed switch featured 2 poles to cope with it. As the screen is being made to order, I am waiting somewhat anxiously. The other piece of additional loom was for Stefan's interior light. The Don Barrow one, inherited from the wrecked Honda.
With the switch panels ready to go back in, I decided to go a little bit retro and label everything with an old fashioned Dymo machine, so embossed lettering rather than the printed one I had originally used. More in keeping I think.
One more thing to look at was lighting. Although the wiring for spots was in place, we had never had the need while the car was in Kenya. For the RAC, that would be very different.
What we needed was a light bar. Enter a length of aluminium tube that I had laying around. Introduce it to a tig welder and you have mounting brackets. Add a couple of M8 rivnuts and you have the makings of a lamp bar.
The mountings for the actual lamps will be made when a decision is made as to what to use.